Thursday, March 19, 2009

What Is A Move of God...?

Whenever we use the term “a move of God” we are basically saying that the Spirit of God has moved to new positions and we are being called to identify these new positions and move towards them. It’s not that the new positions are new to God; it is that they are new to us. We are called to journey and migration.

A movement or a “move of God” is built upon the core reality that the Church has realized that the Spirit of God is operating in a more advanced and different way and is calling the Church forward to new positions in the Spirit. The key factor to understand is that a move of God requires US to MOVE.

In every move of God the structures and patterns of the Church change. It is important to note that each new move of God does not abandon and reject the prevailing ministry pattern of the move that has gone before but includes and practices it in the midst of the new move. Therefore it is clear to see that each new move becomes stronger and more comprehensive in its spiritual operations.

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