Monday, March 2, 2009

Bless The City

Proverbs 11:11 (NKJV)
11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.

This is a condensed but very potent word from God. The power of the Kingdom of God through the expression of Kingdom ministry is visible in its ability to impact cities. This is the evidence of the power and ability of the church to actuate spiritual governance in the city and region where it resides.

There are three important things to consider when looking at the governing church’s place in the city in relation to Proverbs 11:11. They are the condition of the city, the people in the city, and the effective activity of the city.

The Condition of the City

Proverbs 11:11 takes us into the true dynamics that determine the factors that impact the governance, morality and spirituality of a city. The city can either be exalted or overthrown. The reality is that the condition of the city can be changed. This realization gives power and confidence to our prayer and ministry efforts. The word “exalted” signifies “movement in an upward direction”. The whole reality of movement is important to the understanding of this word. It is the same Hebrew/Chaldee word used in Genesis 7:17, “…the waters increased and…the ark…rose high above the earth.”

The People in the City

There are two (2) groups of people in the city that have a direct governing impact upon the condition of the city. They are not the Republicans and Democrats. The final condition of the city, as far as the Word is concerned, does not really depend upon the multiplicity of political parties or the power of Congress. But the two groups that have direct governing impact upon the condition of the city are the upright and the wicked. It is these two groups and the power of their spiritual alignment that determine the final condition of the city.

Where you stand is determined by what you are governed by. What are you governed by…? To know this ask yourself, “What do I respond to…?”

The upright are the “just” or those who have consciously and accurately aligned themselves with the position of God. The word “wicked” is a legal term indicating those who are legally guilty of opposition with God. (Recognize that there is a strong legal dimension to the power of governance in the spirit realm.)

The Effective Activity of the City

When the upright begin to “bless” the city or to make powerful, intelligent spoken declarations of the prosperity, rule, rightness and order of God over the city then the upward movement of exaltation begins to take place.

When the lawless, guilty, wicked people open their mouth then the city is “overthrown” or “forced downward with a strong blow”.

Proverbs 28:4 (NKJV)…
4 Those who forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law contend with them.
The upright are in spiritual contention with the wicked over the future of the city. Our warfare and contention is in the spiritual realm of prayer and decrees of the upward mobility of the city released by the mouth of blessing.


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