Thursday, March 12, 2009

My Personal Musings

It's been a few days since I've posted and I realize I customarily post from the fruit of my studies and teachings. However, today I feel compelled to simply share from my heart, which is where I've been mentally and spiritually the past few days. I have been in prayer concerning the current state of the economy, our nation and the world while simultaneously observing the varying, incoherent, and incongruous response from the Church. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all those who name the name of Christ upon themselves could speak with one voice...? But, I digress. I could speak to the current happenings in the earth from the purview of my own political leanings and postulate from my own religious and spiritual beliefs, however I'm cognizant enough to know that this will only lend itself to adding another opinion into an already overwhelmed pond of varying opinions and stances. So, I wish to address this based upon what I believe God spoke to me from His Word (without unnecessarily burdening it with my own thoughts).

Isaiah 60:1 - 3 (NKJV)...
1 Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.
3 The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising.
There is a breaking forth of light, despite the darkness that is surrounding the earth. There is a refreshing in the midst of crisis, hope in the midst of turmoil. Those who choose light will find life. We cannot focus on darkness, but we must focus on the light that needs to come to us. You must become a recipient of the light. Your portion is light, health, blessing and life...! If darkness hits you, you cannot rise. We must not be guided by what our natural eyes can see. We must gravitate towards the light.

We win or lose by the way we choose. We can choose to see the darkness or partake of the light. The enemy attacks us from the outside. But God blesses us from the inside through the light that is rising within us. When the light comes to you, you need to let that light shine.

Many of us have received so many things, but we don't take that light and let it shine. If we let that light shine, nations and kingdoms will come to us. What God has put within us can affect nations. It has power to influence and impact people around our lives.

The light must continue to grow until nations are attracted to it. Everything that God has given us has the power to draw and influence nations. Kings will come to our rising brightness. We will not only have reach in the nations, but we will affect the men in high places. The quality of my life and light must attract the nations and impress the people in high places. The light that is within us must rise in brightness. Nations and kings will only come to the rising of our brightness.

Light must come from heaven, and we need to be recipients of that light. We need to be responsible for the light, to develop it, nurture it, until kings and nations are drawn to our rising brightness. This is the heart of the portion for Kingdom Believers.

Looking at the current state of affairs, the issue is not a matter of the downward turn of events, but it is a matter of the opportunity these events offer to the Body of Christ. Will we take this opportunity...? Let's not cloud the issue with facts...! Yes, I said it and I'll say it again...let's not cloud the issue with facts...! The Kingdom is the real world and the reality of the matter is swollen with what God says about it and if we have the capacity to receive it this is an exciting time for believers everywhere. All I have to say is..."You better get you some...!"

You will notice that these musings do not arrive at a particular conclusion, but are purposely inconclusive to allow space for the Spirit of God to speak individually to each person who reads this. God has given us a new spiritual position to influence and impact the earth. If we will be responsible to nurture what God has given to us then we will receive this new position. As far as you can see, you can have it. Whatever direction you look in, you will have unhindered sight. We don't want our vision to be narrow; we don't want our perception to be blocked. When we see a clear picture of what God has for us, then we can move into it.

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