Wednesday, March 4, 2009


1 Corinthians 15:9 - 10 (NKJV)...
9 For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.
10 But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I labored more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.

The Apostle Paul is known throughout history as a great preacher and most remembered of the apostles of old. He is a prolific writer as the greatest contributor to the New Testament. Paul is also considered to be one of the most controversial men in Scriptures. Yet even with all his apparent success in ministry, he dubs himself as “least of the apostles” and “chief of sinners”.

Prior to his conversion Paul was named Saul. Born of Jewish parents and reared in a place called Tarsus, his special training was in tent making and Jewish Scriptures. At the age of 13, he became a child of the law and was brought to Jerusalem and placed under the tutelage of the noted pedagogue Gamaliel. He was a brilliant law student and a young rabbi, eventually becoming the rising hope of the Pharisees having been known as the “Pharisee of the Pharisees”. As Saul, he was a staunch enemy of Christ, he persecuted the Christians, he aided in the fatal stoning of Stephen and the record says that he “made havoc of the church”.

While on the Damascus Road, Saul had a personal experience with Jesus Christ, whom he persecuted. Having a very vivid and tremendous conversion experience, Jesus changed his name to Paul and sent him to a street called Straight. Now being called for the cause of Christ, he first went to be trained of the elders and other apostles and then went forth to do great and mighty works for Christ.

Notice the great paradox in the life of Paul. His original training did not match his ultimate destiny. He actually fought against his real destiny and purpose in God. This paradox is our same lot as our past never seems to match the destiny that God has for us and we typically fight against our true destiny and purpose in God.

Paul dubs himself as “least of the apostles” because he persecuted the church, yet he states “ the grace of God I am what I am...” He did not let his past define who He is, he allows the grace of God to define him. Don’t let anything define who you are, except the grace of God…!

For the sake of clarity, the two short definitions of grace are “God’s unmerited favor” and “the enabling power of God”.

Don’t let your past, your circumstance, your situation, your financial condition, your physical condition, your mental condition, other people, or whatever else define who you are...! Only allow the grace of God to define you…!

God will anoint what HE’S called YOU to do...! Conversely, He will NOT anoint what you are not or what He has not called you to do...! That includes what we settle for because we’re either afraid or feel like we’re unworthy to walk in the actual place God has for us. He’s just not going to anoint the place you settle for short of His real plan for just won’t work...! God is a particular God and He wants what He wants...!

Notice, in the text, what all grace did for Paul... Grace defined who he was in God. The grace was not given to him in vain because the grace worked in him the ability to accomplish all that he accomplished. What grace did for Paul, grace will do for you.

BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I AM WHAT I AM...! There’s nothing wrong with knowing who you are in God. Stop pretending to not be what God has called you to be to accommodate others...! Boldly be who you are in God.

If you make it a habit of celebrating the works of God, how can you neglect the works of God in you to include what He’s chosen for you to be in Him. Celebrate who you are in God. Not a celebration of your flesh or what YOU can do, but of the work of God and the power of God in you as you and the ability of God in you to get accomplished His plan for you. CELEBRATE…!


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