Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Some Thoughts On Prayer

Simply defined, prayer is two-way communication between God and us. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and this is done by remaining in an attitude of prayer and to be instant in prayer. Being in an attitude of prayer is thinking and doing with an awareness that God is present.

When one is speaking to God, he is engaged in the highest activity of the human soul. Prayer is limitless in space, touching three worlds. It touches heaven, earth and hell simultaneously and instantaneously. Prayer...
  1. Motivates God as no other endeavor.
  2. Touches man as nothing else that we can do.
  3. Worries the devil more than any other enterprise.

Through the limitless reach of prayer, we can stand in the "Now" and influence the "Then". We can stand in the "Here" and touch the "There". Prayer breaks through the borders of time and stands firmly in eternity.

Prayer is essential to the life of the believer. No believer's spiritual life will rise above and remain constant beyond one's prayer life.

The 3 Dangers of Prayerlessness

When we do not pray we:

  1. Sin - (1 Samuel 12:23; 1 Chronicles 16:11; St. Matthew 7:7; St. Luke 18:1)
  2. Sin against the purpose and plan of God - (St. Matthew 6:10)
  3. Sin against the pleasure of God - (Proverbs 15:8)

Praylessness is not just merely a weakness, it is sin...!

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