Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pay Attention To Where You Are

Just as you cannot eat next week's bread, so you cannot travel next week's journey. You can only be where you are. Pay attention to where you are. Pay attention to who you are, where you are. Pay attention to who is there with you, where you are.

+ Bishop Marque E. Duncan +
Sent from my BlackBerry® handheld device

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Re: St. John 4:23-24: Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth

Here is another exegetical article sent by my friend that I found interesting & profound enough to share.

+ Bishop Marque E. Duncan +
Sent from my BlackBerry® handheld device

From: "MarQuentis X. McNamara"
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 15:47:41 -0400
To: <>
Subject: St. John 4:23-24: Worshiping in Spirit and in Truth

In St. John 4:23-24, Jesus states that the kind of worshipers God seeks are those that worship Him "in spirit and in truth".  However, it is probably not immediately obvious what this phrase actually means.  It is a rather literal translation of the Greek, but because English grammar is quite different from Greek grammar, the English phrase fails to express the same idea with the same force.  The grammar of the underlying Greek clearly indicates that this phrase describes the manner in which we should worship God - it answers the question "How?"  How do we worship God? - "In spirit and in truth" - or much better: "spiritually and truthfully".  The next question is what does it mean to worship "spiritually" and "truthfully".  Worshiping spiritually means our worship is generated from our spirit.  Going through the motions, performing ceremonies, eating the Lord's Supper, singing songs or praying with little or no thought is not worship!  These things may be used to express worship - but they are not worship.  Worship comes from the depths of our spirit, as we recognize and bow before the greatness and awesomeness of God.  To worship God truthfully means that our worship must be real and not pretentious – it must be sincere!  Therefore, St. John204:23 would be better translated:  "God is spirit, and His worshipers must worship with their spirit and with sincerity".

Re: Proverbs 22:6a - Recognizing and Appointing Young Leaders

A friend of mine shared this exegetical article with me and I found it to be rather interesting and quote profound, so I thought I would pass it on to spread the understanding.

+ Bishop Marque E. Duncan +
Sent from my BlackBerry® handheld device

From: "MarQuentis X. McNamara"
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 15:43:17 -0400
To: <>
Subject: Proverbs 22:6a - Recognizing and Appointing Young Leaders

Proverbs 22:6a says, "Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it."  This proverb has been long understood as advice for parents on the way to raise and educate their children.  However, this understanding (and translation) is based on some very dubious word studies.  The Hebrew word translated "child", does not carry the concept of age, but rather status – in particular, high status!  The same word refers to Joseph at age 17 (Genesis 37:2) and age 30 (Genesis 41:12).  The person being referred to may be a young man but the point is not his age but his status and responsibility.  In light of the way this word is used elsewhere in the Old Testament, and the context of Proverbs, the so-called "child" is a young adult who is NOT a rank novice with little or no experience.  It is someone who is outstanding among his/her peers, but has not yet reached their full potential or maturity.  "Train" is also incorrectly translated from the Hebrew.  There is virtually no evidence that the Hebrew word means anything close to "train" in the Old Testament.  Rather, it refers to initiating someone who has already completed his or her training, for a new position or responsibility.  Also, "in the way he should go" appears to be an idio m for "according to a service that best suits his character and skills".  Therefore, this verse would be better translated: "Initiate a young cadet according to a service that best suits his character and skills, and when he is old, he will not turn from it."  This verse teaches that a young outstanding Christian who has been suitably trained, should be recognized and initiated into a position of responsibility and given the full respect that accompanies that position.  It also teaches that when such a person is given the recognition and responsibility due to them, they will continue to serve and persist even when they get older.

Some Thoughts On Prayer

Simply defined, prayer is two-way communication between God and us. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and this is done by remaining in an attitude of prayer and to be instant in prayer. Being in an attitude of prayer is thinking and doing with an awareness that God is present.

When one is speaking to God, he is engaged in the highest activity of the human soul. Prayer is limitless in space, touching three worlds. It touches heaven, earth and hell simultaneously and instantaneously. Prayer...
  1. Motivates God as no other endeavor.
  2. Touches man as nothing else that we can do.
  3. Worries the devil more than any other enterprise.

Through the limitless reach of prayer, we can stand in the "Now" and influence the "Then". We can stand in the "Here" and touch the "There". Prayer breaks through the borders of time and stands firmly in eternity.

Prayer is essential to the life of the believer. No believer's spiritual life will rise above and remain constant beyond one's prayer life.

The 3 Dangers of Prayerlessness

When we do not pray we:

  1. Sin - (1 Samuel 12:23; 1 Chronicles 16:11; St. Matthew 7:7; St. Luke 18:1)
  2. Sin against the purpose and plan of God - (St. Matthew 6:10)
  3. Sin against the pleasure of God - (Proverbs 15:8)

Praylessness is not just merely a weakness, it is sin...!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Captured By The Calling

1 Corinthians 16:13-16...
13... Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.
14... Let all your things be done with charity.
15... I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)
16... That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth.

In recent years there has been great emphasis on words like calling, anointing, ministry, vision, purpose, and destiny. While it is encouraging to see the thrust forward with this emphasis I'm concerned that we don't get stuck there and finally press to the next level. We want to move past the point of the realization of our calling into the actuating of our ministry. I challenge everyone to be "captured by the calling". The scripture above speaks of the people of the house of Stephanas and how they had been so captured by their calling that they were addicted to the ministry of the saints. In fact, because of their ministry addiction and diligence in Kingdom work they were recommended by the Apostle Paul to be worthy of being submitted to by the people of Corinth.

When one has learned to and begun to live out the ministry, God will bless them to live by the ministry (not the other way around, mind you). To get to that point one must not consider ministry as a secondary vocation or something one does on the side, but as an integral part of one's life. This sometimes takes a rearrangement of consideration. All else that I do is now considered secondary to my ministry and I do them to live now until I can live by the ministry. This sometimes takes a rearrangement of priority. I prioritize my day based on my calling and not let my calling be "a filler" for the rest of my day. This sometimes takes a rearrangement of duties. Ministry no longer takes a backseat to my other duties.

When I am finally captured by the calling no one has to convince me of it, I just know it...! When I am finally captured by the calling I no longer need motivators, because the ministry motivates me...! When I am finally captured by the calling I don't have to be pumped and primed into action, because I, like Paul, am willing to be poured out as a drink offering for the needs of the people of God...!

Once the calling captures you, you will be situated in your place of provision. Once the calling captures you, you will find your following and those that will submit to the "God leadership" in you. Once the calling captures you, there's not a demon in hell that will be able to stop you from fulfilling your God-given vision and walk in your God-established destiny, utilizing your God-granted anointing...!

Only Believe

"Believe your beliefs and doubt your doubts, but never doubt your beliefs or believe your doubts." (Scottish Seminary Professor - Name Unknown)

+ Bishop Marque E. Duncan +
Sent from my BlackBerry® handheld device

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Re: Excellence...!


+ Bishop Marque E. Duncan +
Sent from my BlackBerry® handheld device

From: "-- MarQue --"
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 18:06:11 -0500
To: Bishop Marque E. Duncan<>
Subject: Excellence...!

"Excellence is the result of caring more than others think wise, risking more than others think safe, dreaming more than others think practical, and expecting more than others think possible."
--  MarQue  --