Sunday, February 22, 2009


I've been having some thoughts about relationships...particularly relationships in church among those in the Body of Christ. We tend to operate on the mindset of "feeding one another with a long handle spoon", not recognizing this is the antithesis of the original design of Master. If we related to one another beyond mere fellowship to true relationship we would find see the presence and power of God in our midst in far greater way than we have experienced heretofore.
There are three levels of relationship that each of us must aspire to in order to be totally fulfilled in the life of the church. Real friendship runs strongly through each of these levels, producing a depth of relationship that will frustrate the purpose of the devil while bringing great glory to God.
  1. We all need accountable relationships in the church. These are friendships in which we are supported and helped by others. This support would include confession; the sharing of life and pressures; open and honest relationshops; mutual integrity; and the development of character, gifting, and ministry. We all need people we can depend upon to uphold us, strengthen our morality, and champion our calling and destiny.
  2. In ministry we need significant partnerships as we develop a team ethos across the church. We need working functional relationships that carry a strong friendship base. When we know the people whom we will specifically labor, we must build a solid friendship that can take the pressure of warfare, tension, and action.
  3. Additionally, we need relationships where we provid a base of support. This speaks of the discipling relationship that all key ministries and faithful people must develop in order to build church and reach the lost. Making disciples is a major part of our warfare against the enemy and our zeal to fulfill the Great Commission. Each of us needs to think of the people around us whom we are consiously shaping and developing.

This threefold aspect of friendship is our model in relationships for producing the house of the Lord and the Body of Christ. Developing our relationships in these key areas will ensure that not only our own lives but also those of the people around us will be cultivated by the Holy Spirit.

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