Monday, February 23, 2009

Destiny - A Place Called Destination

Destiny – we talk a lot and hear a lot about destiny these days. Our destiny discussions are often exciting & personally fulfilling to us. What we often fail to consider in our destiny discussions is the relationship that exists between destiny and destination. Destiny is a series of destinations ultimately arriving to a final promised destination. Our problem is because of the difficulty of the process we often abort important destinations.

Genesis 37:1-11
  • Joseph presents as a prime example of destiny from a series of unforeseen destinations…
    vss. 3-4 – Unfortunately, being called & chosen will always place you as an object of jealousy & hatred.
  • vs. 5 – Many times difficulties befall us simply because we talk too much…!
  • vss. 6-11 – Observe, Joseph dreamed of his preferment, but he did not dream of his imprisonment.

Joseph's brothers conspired to kill him, but Reuben thought better of that plan & decided to cat him into a pit, delivered him out of their hands so he could be returned to his father. They stripped him of his coat & threw him in the pit. After having their lunch they saw of company of Ishmeelites coming & decided to sell him into slavery, selling him for 30 pieces of silver. The brothers killed a kid goat & dipped Joseph's coat in the blood to perpetrate his brutal death to his father Jacob, who mourned heavily for the loss of his son. Don't be too surprised & alarmed by the treachery of jealousy.

Genesis 39:1-5

Even in the midst of his predicament the Lord was with Joseph & Potiphar noticed the anointing on Joseph. The Lord blessed Potiphar's house for Joseph's sake…many times people are blessed because of you & they don't even realize it. Being the overseer of Potiphar's house was not Joseph's destiny, just one destination on the road to destiny. On the road to destiny there will always be intermediate places of blessings in between the many & varied struggles…DON'T CONFUSE AN INTERMEDIATE PLACE OF BLESSING AS YOUR DESTINY …&… DON'T SETTLE FOR AN INTERMEDIATE PLACE OF BLESSING IN LIEU OF YOUR DESTINY…HOLD OUT FOR THE TRUE PROMISE…!

You can always tell an intermediate place of blessing because it will be short lived. Potiphar's wife gets designs on Joseph…she sees different talent in Joseph than did Potiphar. Potiphar's wife invites Joseph to a "bedroom blessing" to which he denies as he did not want to betray the trust of his master Potiphar nor did want to do that sort of wickedness and sin against God. She put the pressure on daily for a real good "flesh festival", until finally she couldn't take it anymore & took matters into her own hands and snatched the man's clothes off. Dude broke camp & ran out the house.

Potiphar's wife then lies on Joseph & says that the he was trying to have her, of course angering Potiphar. The now angry Potiphar throws Joseph in prison. Joseph now in prison & even in prison the Lord was with Joseph as he was put over all the prisoners and all that he did there the Lord made it prosper.

In prison Joseph's anointing as an interpreter of dreams arises and becomes evident as he interprets the dreams of the butler & the baker of the king of Egypt that was thrown into prison in the same ward where Joseph was. The butler promised to remember Joseph once he was restored, but he didn't. After 2 full years Pharaoh has a dream & looks for an interpretation. The butler finally remembers Joseph as an interpreter of dreams.

Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dream & the grateful Pharaoh sets Joseph over all the land of Egypt (a rank & position far higher than that of Potiphar). (Joseph was 30 years old when Pharaoh promoted him.)

The pit, the Potiphar and the prison is the passage to the palace…! Genesis 45:3-8

Joseph arrives at his Divinely appointed destiny in the palace…"the place of destination"…but only after experiencing the pit, the Potiphar & the prison. Even the treachery of his brothers couldn't keep him from his destiny; in fact, they didn't even know they were simply part of the plan.

Why couldn't Joseph just go straight to the palace? God knew that's where He wanted Him. Destiny is the finish of many destinations…! Don't abort your destiny by trying to take detours…! When you miss Sovereignly determined destinations you delay & potentially abort your Divinely appointed destiny.

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